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Healing Movement & Dance

Enjoy the joyful power of movement and dance. Intuitively guided, spiritually filled, energetically sensitive personalized healing movement and/or dance transform energy, emotions, and patterns.






How can healing movement and dance help you?

Release Stress & Trauma

Grace healing movement and dance support the release of stress and trauma stored in the body. These gentle personalized practices soothe the nervous system and create new patterns at the cellular level.

Balance Emotions

The unique fusion of empathic intuition and energy healing in motion gently guide you to move through any emotion (eg. anxiety, anger, grief, etc.) to a calm, grounded, centered state of inner harmony and balance.

Transform & Align Energy

The ability of physical movement to shift subtle energy is simultaneously powerful and gentle, what to speak of joyful! Healing dance unsticks stagnant energy, reshapes it into upliftment, and realigns it with grace.


Movement and dance encourage, empower, and expand your creativity and self-expression. I intuitively support you to move what's inside out through your body's language.

Body-Mind Wellness

I offer you a practice that stimulates the meridians and balances the chakras. It works with your own organic movement to warm, stretch, strengthen and tone muscles, while boosting mood and wellness with endorphin release.

Spiritual Connection

When engaged with prayerful intention and intuition, movement and dance carry profound capacity to reconnect the soul with God and self-awareness in a multitude of personal of ways. Facilitating you this way is my specialty.

And More...

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Gigi is an incredibly gifted movement teacher. I have been going to a class once a week for over a year now. Every class is an imaginative journey, together creating, with Gigi's guidance, a transcendent energy that carries me through the day and enhances my goals for the week, etc. I can bring anything into that class that I want to move, and we move it, and I grow. She's spiritually gifted and deeply grounded at the same time. At least one of Gigi's classes a week is a must for mental and physical healing and well-being.


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  • Available Online

    30 min

    70 US dollars
  • Available Online

    1 hr

    140 US dollars
  • Available Online


    1 hr 30 min

    25 US dollars
  • Wed

    1 hr 30 min

    25 US dollars

Healing Dance & Moving Meditation

Online Self-Paced Program

Here is an opportunity to explore and experience the benefits of healing movement and dance at your own pace in the privacy of your own space. One audio-guided practice and one video-guided practice facilitate wellness for heart, mind, body, and soul.

White Lotus Ballet

Please visit my other website for information on dance lessons, dance fitness, and stretching sessions for children and adults.

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